Bank Transfer Details (NZ)
Revive Afghanistan Trust
06-0185-0943071-00 Ref: Ramadan

The Issue

After the rapid withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan, the fall of the previous government and evacuation of NGOS, the people of Afghanistan had so much uncertainty, then the assets of Afghanistan held in the US (9.5 billion USD) were frozen resulting in rapid inflation and losses of jobs in the hundreds of thousands.

The people of Afghanistan are facing a famine never seen before, malnutrition is on the rise and families aren’t able to afford food. Many are taking out loans and rationing out any food they can get, with parents starving just so their kids can have some food, in cases with widows the situation is even worse.


Provide food packs that can last families a month to 2 months during Ramadan.

100% Donation Policy

How does your support help?

With your support we can make a difference and help those that are struggling the most, any amount can help towards a food pack. Small donations also make a big difference.

Your donation will provide Ramadan Support Packs which include:

– Rice, Flour, Oil, Sugar, salt, tea and beans.

With current rate packs cost around $80 – 90 NZD and fluctuate depending on rate at the time, however any amount you contribute towards this will help.

**Zakat Eligible**

Long term:

With the current situation being so bad, getting food to the people of Afghanistan is necessary, however to ensure sustainability we will have other projects which focus on people supporting themselves.

Sharing our campaigns also helps alot!

Please note:

We can issue receipts for all donations received, however we aren’t tax deductible yet and are working on this. This is due to 70% or more of our donations being used outside of NZ.

Receipt Requests:

For receipts please email and please provide:

Full name, date of donation, donation amount and we will email you back an email copy of your receipt.