Thank you to our monthly supporters who have made this possible to help families support themselves.
Quick background:
Our team has set up many individual micro-businesses, however, there was a request from individuals around supporting their families. The team at Revive Afghanistan surveyed each individual and only those deemed within the criteria for a micro-business and able to support themselves through this initiative were selected.
Timeframe: July 2022 and ongoing.
Example of an Individual Micro-business setup
This was for a father in need, this has allowed him to support his family and keep his kids off the street.
Video of supporting this family:
Our Micro Business Support cost between $200 – $300 per setup (NZD) depending on the type of setup.
In November of 2022, we set up 7 Micro-businesses in the city of Jalalabad in Nangarhar Province.
After discussions with our beneficiaries we have confirmed that after the setup of the micro-businesses that they are making sufficient amounts per day with one beneficiary advising he has some days where he makes 1000 AFN (20NZD or 12USD), in comparison to the daily average of most people being only 100-150 AFN per day ($2 NZD or $1.30USD), this is a sufficient amount to support a family in Afghanistan.
Going forward
One of our main focuses for 2023 is to increase the amount of micro businesses we are setting up, we also are focusing on diversifying the options being offered. So far we have setup micro-businesses for a variety of fruit, popcorn makers, fresh corn and will keep diversifying to ensure that every cart we setup has a fair chance at making a living.
If you would like to support a micro-business, you can donate here and also if you are wanting to support 10+ micro businesses at once, we can also provide images/videos of this.
Micro Businesses in Afghanistan
Revive Afghanistan NZ